سؤال في حديث النزول و جوابه أو شرح حديث النزول
An excellent book of Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyah about the attributes of Allah and in particular about the attribute of his descent to the lowest heaven, taken from the hadith:
ينزل ربنا – تبارك و تعالى – كل ليلة إلى سماء الدنيا حين يبقى ثلث الليل لآخر فيقول : من يدعوني فأستجيب له ! من يسألني فأعطيه ! و من يستغفرني فأغفر له.
This is in fact a response to a question that was put to him by a person who received ambiguities from another who denies the descent of Allah. Among these ambiguities:
How Allah comes down? Is the Throne is empty when he descends? The last third of the night is different in every part of the world, so Allah is all the time in the lowest heaven...
The book is in a beautiful edition with a tahqeeq of a Salafi Sheikh, which is his master's thesis, the text is transcribed from 4 manuscripts, the hadiths are authenticated and referenced, difficult words are explained, it contains 9 different contents and the biography of Shaykh al-Islaam...
عدد الصفحات: 528
المقاس: 17x24 cm
نوع الكتاب: مجلد
الناشر: دار العاصمة