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المسائل العقدية التي حكى فيها ابن تيمية الإجماع جمعا و دراسة
  • المسائل العقدية التي حكى فيها ابن تيمية الإجماع جمعا و دراسة

المسائل العقدية التي حكى فيها ابن تيمية الإجماع جمعا و دراسة

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إعداد خالد بن مسعود الجعيد و علي بن جابر العلياني و ناصر بن حمدان الجهني

Here is an excellent collection - which is basically a Master's thesis of 3 students - points of belief whose imâm Ibn Taymeeyah reported the consensus.

These points were classified by 3 main chapters:

1 - Tawhîd in its 3 forms.

2 - Faith in Allah, angels and sacred books.

3 - The prophecies, the destiny, the day of the resurrection, the imamate, the caliphate and the different groups.
The whole is preceded by a research around consensus and followed by the words of the scholars (who preceded the imâm Ibn Taymeeyah) who also reported the consensus on these points.

In a very thick volume of nearly 1000 pages.

994 pages, yellow pages, size 17x24 cm, hardcover, edition دار الفضيلة.




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المسائل العقدية التي حكى فيها ابن تيمية الإجماع جمعا و دراسة

إعداد خالد بن مسعود الجعيد و علي بن جابر العلياني و ناصر بن حمدان الجهني

Here is an excellent collection - which is basically a Master's thesis of 3 students - points of belief whose imâm Ibn Taymeeyah reported the consensus.

These points were classified by 3 main chapters:

1 - Tawhîd in its 3 forms.

2 - Faith in Allah, angels and sacred books.

3 - The prophecies, the destiny, the day of the resurrection, the imamate, the caliphate and the different groups.
The whole is preceded by a research around consensus and followed by the words of the scholars (who preceded the imâm Ibn Taymeeyah) who also reported the consensus on these points.

In a very thick volume of nearly 1000 pages.

994 pages, yellow pages, size 17x24 cm, hardcover, edition دار الفضيلة.

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