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نزهة الفضلاء تهذيب سير أعلام النبلاء   -   لمحمد موسى الشريف
  • نزهة الفضلاء تهذيب سير أعلام النبلاء   -   لمحمد موسى الشريف
  • نزهة الفضلاء تهذيب سير أعلام النبلاء   -   لمحمد موسى الشريف

نزهة الفضلاء تهذيب سير أعلام النبلاء - لمحمد موسى الشريف

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« Nuzhatu al-fudalaa tahdhib siyar a’laam an-nubalaa' », is an excellent summary of « Siyar a'laam an-nubala » the best book on the biographies and stories of the greatest men of Islam.

The author of this summary kept 993 biographies out of 5925, keeping only the most important. Thus, the biographies were summarized, the repeated stories and those that have no interest were removed and also the chain of transmission, the referencing of the hadith and athaar...

The book has therefore been made simple and accessible. In its best edition.


Data sheet

محمد موسى الشريف
دار ابن كثير
17x24 cm
Number of volume(s)
Pages color
Vowels (Harakât)
Without, or a bit
Edition number
Year of publication


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نزهة الفضلاء تهذيب سير أعلام النبلاء - لمحمد موسى الشريف

« Nuzhatu al-fudalaa tahdhib siyar a’laam an-nubalaa' », is an excellent summary of « Siyar a'laam an-nubala » the best book on the biographies and stories of the greatest men of Islam.

The author of this summary kept 993 biographies out of 5925, keeping only the most important. Thus, the biographies were summarized, the repeated stories and those that have no interest were removed and also the chain of transmission, the referencing of the hadith and athaar...

The book has therefore been made simple and accessible. In its best edition.

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