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للشيخ محمد حياة السندي
و يليه لمع حافلة بذكر الفقه و التفقه و الفقهاء في الصحابة و التابعين للشيخ حافظ بن أحمد الحكمي
تحقيق و تخريج و تعليق أبو همام البيضاني
Beautiful risaala of a great scholar of Medina, Muhammad Hayât As-Sindi – who was one of the Shuyukh of Imam Muhammad ibn Abdel Wahhaab – on the causes of the differences of opinion among the scholars.
Followed by a risaala of Shaykh Hafiz Al-Hakami on fiqh : how the Companions and great tabi'în have studied religious science, the great scholars among the Companions and tabi'în, the four great scholars of Fiqh, their schools and their principles, and finally the other schools of Fiqh.
عدد الصفحات: 104
المقاس: 24x17
الورق: شمواه
نوع الكتاب: غلاف
الناشر: دار الاستقامة