للشيخ عبد السلام بن برجس آل عبدالكريم
Very nice risaala of Shaykh Barjas about the rules of greeting (السلام).
Among the topics broached: The Sunnah concerning the one who have to greet first between the one who is seated and the one who is standing, between the one who is on a mount and the one who walks, between a small group of people facing a larger group, and between the young and the big.
Also, the status of contradicting this sunnah, the obligation to respond to the greeting, how to respond to the greeting that is addressed to a group, asking a person to greet another person for him, how should this last person respond to this greeting, the fact that the greeting go along with a hug, standing up (for a person seated) to greet a person, greeting after completing a congregational prayer...
عدد الصفحات: 144
المقاس: 19x14
لون الورق: أصفر
نوع الكتاب: غلاف
الناشر: دار الفرقان