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لسيد سابق

"Fiqh as-Sunnah" of Sayîd Sâbiq is one of the first fiqh books of this period to be based on the Qur'an, the Sunnah and the words of the Salafs, unlike the previous books that were based on the different madhâhib of fiqh.

In a beautiful edition with all harakaat.


طبعة مشكولة: نعم 100%

عدد المجلدات: 4

المقاس: 17x24 cm

لون الورق: أصفر

نوع الكتاب: مجلد

الناشر: دار المعرفة



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فقه السنة

لسيد سابق

"Fiqh as-Sunnah" of Sayîd Sâbiq is one of the first fiqh books of this period to be based on the Qur'an, the Sunnah and the words of the Salafs, unlike the previous books that were based on the different madhâhib of fiqh.

In a beautiful edition with all harakaat.

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