موسوعة مدرسة مكة في التفسير
تفسير عبد الله بن عباس و مجاحد و سعيد بن جبير و عكرمة مولى بن عباس و و عطاء بن أبي رباح و طاوس بن كيسان اليماني
Wonderful collection – in 8 volumes – of tafsir of the greatest exegetes (moufassirin) of the Qur'an. Among them ibn ‘Abbas and his students, Mujâhid, Sa’id ibn Jubayr, ‘Ikrimah, ‘Atâ ibn Rabâh and Tâwus ibn Kaysân.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said : "The most learned people of Tafseer are the People of Mecca because they are the companions of Ibn 'Abbas as Mujâhid,' Ata, 'Ikrimah, Tâwus, Sa'id ibn Joubair and others".
One finds in the 1st three volumes the tafseer of 'Abdullah ibn' Abbas, in the 4th and 5th the tafsir of Mujâhid, in the 6th Sa'id ibn Jubayr, in the 7th that of 'Ata ibn Rabah and' Ikrimah and finally that of Tawous in the 8th volume.
Their tafseer are classified by order of the suras, the transmission chain is cited and their tafsir is referenced.
عدد المجلدات: 8
المقاس: 24x17
الورق: شمواه
نوع الكتاب: مجلد
الناشر: دار السلام